Emilio Del Giudice was an Italian theoretical physicist. Pioneer of string theory in the early 1970s, later on he became better known for his work with Giuliano Preparata at the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN);
Emilio was a prolific and original scientist, a giant whose intellectual legacy needs to be fully assessed for decades to come. He is best known for pioneering the quantum field theory of condensed soft matter, especially water. This is described in an article published in Science in Society #51, which is reposted fully referenced Quantum Coherent Water and Life, together with photographs of Emilio, the most recent taken at our Colours of Water art/science/music festival in March 2013 (http://www.i-sis.org.uk/coloursofwater/). Also reposted is a short video in which Emilio offers his insights on science and music.
Emilio Del’Giudice, quantum-field theorist, tells us how the new quantum physics of water raises physical truth to the level of poetic truth
He has done research at MIT (Cambridge, USA) and at Niels-Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. A theoretical physicist whose main interests are quantum field theory and physics of collective and coherent processes, he has also investigated the structure of liquid water, with particular reference to living matter.
During the 1970s, along with Sergio Fubini, Paolo Di Vecchia and Gabriele Veneziano he was at the center of an active school of theoretical physicist with close connections to Italy (with one of the Italian INFN and MIT financed “Bruno Rossi” exchange programs). He and his co-workers did fundamental work in string theory. [1]
For many years he was involved into quantum field theory and its relations with the physics of collective, coherent processes. He pioneered the quantum field theory of soft matter, focusing mainly on the structure of liquid water; in the latter part of his life together wit Luc Montagnier he also investigated the relation between water and living matter.
He worked at Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen as well; then becoming a member of the International Institute of Biophotonics, Neuss, Germany.