In 1996 Mr Lange won a scholarship offered by the Competition for ATA Graduates for research in the field of innovative injection systems at Elasis in Bari. In close collaboration with Bosch utilizing the CAD system Pro / Engineer, and the Finite Element Method (FEM ) the research was based upon simulation of fluid dynamics and structural properties of some components of the common rail system.Ina research center at Fiat / Bosch. From October 1997 to September 2009 Christian worked as Technical Manager and Training Specialist. He went on from there to work for MCC Smart Mercedes-Benz at SPA, Italy.
Since September 2009 he left his last job at Mercedes to devote himself full-time to research on mathematical connections in nature and the subsequent creation of patents in the field of bioenergy.
In 2010 he founded the company AcquaPhi for the production of devices for the treatment of water using unconventional technology.
Ing. Christian Lange – Publications / Achievements
- August 2002 article: Der Goldene Winkel (Golden Angle) – Discovery of the Geometry of the Egg with the Proportions of the Golden Section.
- September 2003 Article: Potenzierung von Phi – Vorschlag für Harmonisches Musiksystem – Publication: German magazine Implosion.
Preliminary Proposal for a Music System based on Powers of the Golden Ratio Phi.
- January 2006 Patent: “Wasserwirbel-Ei zur bioenergetischen Harmoniserung Energetisierung und der Umgebung.” A Bioarmonizzatore based on the interface of the geometry of the egg to the Golden Section with Whirlpool (an application of the “Vorteggs Project”).
- September 2006 Conference: Golden Music of the Solar System at Castle of Charles V, organized by the four elements of Monopoly. The mathematical relationship of the Golden Ratio Phi = 1.6180339 … is present everywhere in nature—from the atom to the galaxies—and represents the proportion of the universal divine. Next steps will be directed towards developing musical sound waves based upon the Golden Section.
- October 2006 interview on Borgo di Monopoli (The Machinery of Life). Subject: The Vorteggs Project.
- December 2006 article: Vorteggs Project. Proposal for a machine in perfect harmony with nature based on the Egg to the Golden Section that houses a whirlpool with the ability to generate electricity, an anti-gravity force, and a harmonic field of benefit to the welfare and health of living beings. Publication: Nexus magazine (N ° 65.66 and 67: The Energy of the Vortex.)
- June 2007 article: Series Fibonacci Golden Ratio and the Golden Section in Ovaloid; Connections with the String Theory. The paper deals with the geometry of the egg to the Golden Section and the numbers of the music system Phi ^ (n / 9) in the context of theoretical physics. Published in the library of CNR jointly with Michael Nardelli.
- January 2008 article: Musiksystem Phi nach und der Forellenmotor. Interpretation of the geometry of Repulsine Schauberger (Engine Trout) according to the numbers of the music system based on the golden section. Publication: German magazine Implosion.
- November 2008 article: Music System Golden Phi (n / 7) and Mathematical Connections between Prime Numbers and Landscape of String Theory. The paper deals with the Connections System Harmonic Phi ^ (n / 7) and the research results in the context of theoretical physics. Published in the library of CNR jointly with Michael Nardelli and Joseph Bini.
- February 2011 article: On some applications of the Eisenstein Series in String Theory. Mathematical connections with some sectors of Number Theory and with ? and ?. “Published in the research database of Professor Watkins jointly with Michael Nardelli. The paper deals with the connections of the latest version of the music system, which in addition to Phi notes, are also connected with PiGreco as part of string theory. http://empslocal.ex.ac.uk/people/staff/mrwatkin/zeta/nardelli2011a.pdf