Dr Jhon is the worlds leading authority on water science. His last book “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key”, summarizes over 40 years of scientific research, documenting the structural qualities of water.
In this book, now translated in five languages, the author presents scientific evidence showing that the hexagonal structure of water, is preferred by all biological organisms – that it is involved in the healthy function of the DNA, enzyme reactions and numerous metabolic functions.
In 1986 Dr Jhon officially presented his theory “Molecolar Water Environment”.
He found that the reinstatement of hexagonal water in our body can improve vitality, retard aging and prevent disease. The process of aging is also a function of a body’s loss of hexagonal water from it’s cells.
B.S., Chemistry, Seoul National University, Korea, 1954
M.S., Chemistry, Seoul National University, Korea, 1958
Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Utah, 1966
Experience Academic
1971 to 2004. Professor of Chemistry, and Dean of Faculty (1971-1972), Director for Molecular Science (1990 to 1999), KEPCO Chair Professor(1992 to 1997), KEPCO Chair Professor Emeritus(1997 to date) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
1974 to 2004. Adjunct Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, U.S.A.
1974 to 2004. President, Korea Research Center for Thoeretical Physics and Chemistry, Seoul, Korea
1986 to 1987. Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Florida, U.S.A.
1980 February. Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
1975 to 1976. Exchange Professor, University de Paris VI. Paris, France
1971 to 1972. Research Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, University of Utah, U.S.A.
1969 to 1971. Head, Liquid State Chemistry Research Lab. Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea
1966 to 1969. Assistant Professor and Member of the Center for Advanced Studies, University of Virginia, U.S.A.
1961 to 1962. International Atomic Energy Agency Fellow, Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan
1958 to 1966. Fulltime Instructor, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
1969 to 1988. Chairman and Symposia Leader, Sanibel Symposia(International Quantum Chemistry Symposia) Fla., U.S.A.
1970. Science Award in Korea (Louise Academy)
1975 to 1978. Editorial Board, Journal of Bioengineering
1977. Presidential Award of Science in Korea (the Highest Scientific Honor in Korea)
1984, 1988, 1992, 2000. Korean Representative, 1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Japan-Korea Joint Symposia in Molecular Science (Okazaki, Japan)
1986, 1990, 1994, 1998. Chairman, Organizing Committee, 2rd, 4th, 6th & 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposia in Molecular Science(Seoul, Korea)
1986 to 2004. Member, International Advisory Committee, Eurasian Conferences on Chemistry
1986. August. Invited Scholar, Academy of Science of USSR
1987 to 2004. Member, Advisory Editorial Committee, Advances in Quantum Chemistry and International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
1987. November. Ming Yu Visiting Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1988 to 2004. Member, International Organizing Committee, Eurasian Conference in Chemistry
1989 to 1992. Member, Korean National Commission for UNESCO
1989 to 2004. Fellow & Council Member(1996 to date) , Third World Academy of Science
1979 to 1991. Member, Presidential Commission for Science and Technology
1991 to 1993. Member, Presidential Council for Science and Technology
1994. 1st A.T. Ree’s Science Award
1995 to 2004. Life Fellow, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology
1994 to 2004. Guest Professor, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry
1996. Grand Science Award
1996. “Moran” Merit of Cultural Order, Republic of Korea
1996 to 2004. Foreign Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences, India
1997 to 2004. President, Korean Association for the Advancement of Science
1998 to 2001. President, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology
1999 to 2004. Foreign Academician, Russian Academy of Science
1999 to 2004. Foreign Fellow, Pakistan Academy of Sciences
1999 to 2004. President, National Association for Scientists & Engineers of Korea
2000 to 2004. Fellow, European Academy of Arts, Sciences & Humanities
2000 to 2004. President, Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia
2001 to 2004. Chairman of the Board, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology