Why choose biodynamic structured water over some of the other available water treatment systems out there? With so many choices, how do we know which one is more beneficial than the other? We’ve broken down some of the most popular water treatments for you in comparison to the Meridian Energy Water Biodynamic Structured Water Units.
These are some of the water treatment systems, presently in use:
- Reverse Osmosis
- Flash Distillation
- Electrodialysis
- Deionization
- Ion Exchangers (Soft Water Tanks)
Reverse Osmosis (R/O) is very popular today but R/O removes all beneficial minerals from the water, plus it wastes three out of four gallons of water in the process. The most prevalent of present systems pushes water through micro-porous membranes; meshed sufficiently fine to prevent the passage of most dissolved solids. This removes approximately 50% of the salt as well as other solids with each pass. R/O processes water for small water units placed outside grocery stores as well as the domestic water supply for small metropolitan communities. The wastewater from R/O units in some places is so concentrated with salts and other minerals that it become a threat to the good bacteria in septic systems.
One of the major disadvantages of reverse osmosis is the large amount of brine discharge that, in some cases, will have deleterious effects on enclosed bays, sometimes experiencing fish mortality. A second, subtler negative effect of R/O is the demineralization of water for human and animal consumption. This water becomes known as ‘hungry water’, with initial benefits of cleansing the body of unwanted toxins. However, prolonged use can demineralize the body, weakening the immune system.
This process evaporates the water and then recondenses it, leaving behind the dissolved solids. This process can be less costly as it is not necessary to shut down the processing plant occasionally, as with R/O for reconditioning. Distillation can refine the water to as little as 10 mg/l dissolved solids, compared with R/O’s 50% reduction per pass. The same problem of brine water, which must be drained or hauled off, exists with flash distillation. Another disadvantage is that volatiles, such as methane and chlorine, are transferred into the processed water.
Electrodialysis, like reverse osmosis, also employs a screen, but in this case electrical energy is utilized. The electrodialysis process lets the salt through and keeps the water back. This is the opposite of reverse osmosis.
This process involves the use of resins that carry either a positive or negative charge. These draw the elements to them and remove them from the water. They are easy to install and inexpensive for small manufacturing or laboratory use. A major drawback for high volume use is they must be recharged either by washing the resins with acid or exchanging them after as little as a thousand gallons.
Some cat-ions will easily exchange with other ions under certain conditions. An example of this would be a soft water tank which uses sodium saturated salts to exchange sodium for calcium and magnesium. This system is valuable where corrosion in pipes and calcium build up on enamels, such as household appliances and swimming pools, is of concern. As the chief deleterious element in seawater and brackish water is sodium, this only increases salt problems for human consumption or agriculture. In our showers it is feeding these salts to the largest organ in our body, our skin. Ocean water is already 80% sodium, 8.5% magnesium and only a fraction calcium.
Ion-exchange resin water softeners, that is most water softeners, also remove all beneficial minerals in the water and add a great deal of sodium or potassium. They put out waste water that is incompatible with septic tanks because if you kill the bacteria, septic systems don’t do their job. For this reason many states have banned the use of water softeners for homes with septic systems.
Magnetized or electrically-treated water is stimulatory in nature and depletes the human energy system, as it adds life-restricting and frequency-scrambling information to the body’s genetic world. Since the effect is cumulative, the health outcome is not realized for years until the depletion of vital elements is beyond the body’s capacity to compensate for it and systemic toxicity reaches a point of no return, causing life-threatening illnesses.
When water suffers an extremely high loss of energy and frequency, it leeches the missing resonances back from the body’s governing vessel and conception vessel meridian polarities slowing down or halting repair and regeneration in the body.